14w5d and much more

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I'm currently 14w5d and I haven't updated in awhile. I have been trying to catch up on things after being sick for an entire week and just hadn't gotten around to my blog yet. Everything is going well though, and I'm finally feeling back to my normal self. Baby M is doing good and starting to make mama's belly feel like it is stretching all the time, as well as suddenly making me have to pee every 20 minutes again. That's about all for the current state of things but I will backtrack and fill you in on the things that happened between this post and my last one.

Wednesday February 22, I woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose and I must have caught some sort of stomach bug because I just generally felt like crap as well as vomiting most of the afternoon. By mid-morning on Thursday I was feeling a whole lot better and almost back to normal, which was great since we had an ultrasound scheduled. We went for our ultrasound and everything looked good! We could see baby M moving around and see the heartbeat really well. The heartbeat was at 160 and looking good. As to the point of the ultrasound(to check my ovaries) they were much less swollen than at the previous ultrasound and definitely looking much more normal.

By Friday I was feeling pretty crappy again, starting to cough and my sore throat and stuffiness had gotten worse again. Saturday after trying to ride it out with saltwater gargles and OB approved cough medicine, we took a trip to the immediate care clinic where they did a strep test and checked me over to tell me it was just viral and I didn't have strep. By Monday, having barely slept the previous two nights from coughing and stuffiness, and having multiple coughing fits that caused me to either throw up or feel like I couldn't breathe, I went to my regular dr.'s office for their clinic hours. I wanted to get my eye checked anyway because I knew I had some kind of infection in it. That appointment diagnosed me with pink eye(In both eyes), as well as bronchitis(with a chance of whooping cough because I haven't had a tetanus shot since I was 14). So I got some antibiotic eye drops, antibiotics for the bronchitis/whooping cough, and an inhaler for those coughing fits that made me feel like I couldn't breathe.

With all of that you would think I would have been feeling a little better by Tuesday, but nope. By Tuesday afternoon my stomach bug was either back or I caught a new one at a dr.'s office I'd been to. I figured it wouldn't be any worse than the one I'd had the previous Wednesday so didn't really worry about it. But this one got progressively worse throughout the afternoon and by 8 that night I couldn't even keep down a sip of water, so by 9:00, we headed to the ER knowing I was going to need fluids because there was no way I could keep myself hydrated. After at least an hour wait in the waiting room we got in and by 11:30 they had me hooked up to an IV for fluids. They also tested my urine to make sure I didn't have a UTI and check for dehydration and tested my blood to check my electrolytes etc. I was slightly dehydrated so they ended up giving me a total of 2 litres of fluid, gave me some zofran through my IV for nausea and sent me home with a prescription for zofran. By the time we left at 2:30or 3am I was tired but feeling much better than when we arrived. From there I slowly started feeling better and by Sunday was finally feeling back to myself.

The ER had asked me to follow up with my OB so we had an appointment with him on Friday and got to hear our baby's heartbeat again. They also checked my uterus and measured my fundal height(height from pelvic bone to top of uterus). Everything was looking good, and the top of my uterus was right in line with my belly button. We see the OB again at 18 weeks and then at 20 weeks we have our 20 week ultrasound. We won't be finding out the gender, but I know there are a lot of things they check during that ultrasound and hey we get to see our baby again. Now hopefully I can just stay healthy!

Oh and of course a picture of Baby M!


Jules said...

Oh jeez, what a week! So sorry you were feeling so awful, and glad to hear you're feeling better. Love the photos!!

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