
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Today is day 3 of stims. I really don't remember side effects this early last cycle. However this time around I already started with gonal-f migraines yesterday morning. Today I finally have it down to a dull ache. I am also having the hot flashes and stiff/sore neck earlier this time than last time. Hopefully its a good sign that I'm producing lots of follicles/eggs. My first monitoring ultrasound is on Friday and I really can't wait to see what is going on in there.

In other news, I got the dresser done that I was painting and it looks awesome! Now I just need one more coat of paint on the bathroom walls and to get the bathroom floor done. Hoping to get the 2nd coat of paint on the bathroom walls this evening. It would be really really nice to have a mirror and a sink in our bathroom again! I also finally got our family room cleaned up and looking presentable. Too bad it still needs the flooring and subflooring tore up since it smells like cat pee from prior owners having cats somewhere down the line.

We also got our Christmas tree up and some of our other decorations. Oh and Daron finally admitted he doesn't read my blog :). I knew I was right!


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